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As Acts 2: 46 describes the first church eating together in gladness (metalambano) the term meant to participate, or be partakers. The idea of a recognized and regular association is as old as the church itself. It was the "Ekklesia" (Gathering of the called out) that coined the term "membership."
At Canaan, we believe that this fellowship is vital and must be in keeping with the original Biblical model. With that in mind, we extend the hand of fellowship to those who wish to respond to God's call as part of the Canaan family.
Posted below is our study and discussion in exploring Canaan church membership. Believers are welcome to join scheduled studies whether they are just exploring what we're all about, or have decided to join at this time.
For richer discussion, please give some reflection to the study below before our 2 one-hour sessions.
In the same spirit, you may also may want to read our baptism studies, for children as well as adults.

Member Study
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